Nostalgia is but a Cheap Holiday.
Hmmm.. Ever once sat down on a chair, put on your fav. CD and relax, only to realise that what you have put on brings you back to those days which seems to be the best days of your life? Bask in that feeling for a while..and when that song ends, your holiday ends along with it, and come a hard ache in your chest. Then you say, ' Haiz, I miss those days...'
Being a Sentimental Fool, I get that all the time. I often listen to the music I that was a hit when I was young(er) (okay..I'm still young!), sit in my chair and feel my heart growing from warm, to pain. Pain? Coz those were the good Ole' times.
I was about to mention the songs that brings back these memories, the moments, my holidays, but then again, if I were to do so, I won't really like the reactions on your faces. I'd be wondering what would be on your faces, (not to mention what goes thro the mind) when I say the tunes of the Carpenters (No, not my cabinet people..), or The Bee-Gees (not the bees and birds!), or something more recent, Air Supply, Boyzone (now the boyband thing ya?).
Well, every song that grew up with me, has its moment and chapter that came with it. Sometimes I do wish I do not go on a holiday. I mean the only people are on perpetual holidays are retirees. Spare me the my nostalgia, coz I would just sit on my chair, and not work for those minutes the songs play. How productive.
Wow, looks like my life has been much of a musical. The only difference is that I don't sing in it. The professionals do.
Now..I miss those days already.
Ok, what have I gotten myself into. I was to write something light here today. Somehow didn't turn out light. Ok, perhaps the weekend could help. I had a rough Friday. An adventurous week. Would sum them on Sunday. And on Saturday, I shall comment my 2cents' on SARS, a light (perhaps airy) one I promise. Don't want to further frighten an already SARSpicious Singapore. Feverish?
e'diot Proofing - The Final Chapter, the Last Entry's Published. Farewell!
Welcome. I'm a simple guy with simple dreams. In my simplicity, my works are created. And in my simplicity, don't take from me, what isn't your's. Ask, a simple mind (usually) obliges.
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