Tuesday, January 11, 2005

'Rainy Days and Mundays always makes me cry...'

Dear Loyal Readers, Silent Supporters, all of whom, my dearest Friends,

Mundayblues has been a part of my life since its 'virgin post' in May 2003. It was a way of which I could simply keep you in touch with my mind, my heart and my fingers. It was my way of entertaining you, when I physically wasn't there.

I felt it was one of the ways that would make up my physical absence in your lives, that you could still be engaged in your mind, by my works and thoughts.

I hope I did. Mundayblues has seen alot of your support, kindest comments and nicest gestures to support and spur me on to write on. I had been very busy over a period of time, and for those who stuck on and returned even when I didn't update at all.

For all these, may I accord my gratitude to you all. There would be no motivation to write if there weren't people like you around.

I have put some thought into this, and have decided to stop writing on Mundayblues. I think for those who feel that this is a good site to read; that all good things, has to come to an end. The end of my journey on Mundayblues has come.

Over the last 2 wonderful years, I have experienced your kindness and grace when you come to Mundayblues, you have been the best audience/readers anyone could have asked for. How you tolerated my controversial entries, sweeping remarks and cuttingly candid observations and frustrations.

I have grown over these years to be more sensitive, yet bold on media as such. I had so much fun being part of this site, this project and place.

For all those who felt you have been blessed on Mundayblues, pay it forward. Bless someone else, if I could request, the tsunami victims. They need alot more love than anyone else around.

Each article here was written for you, I hope it meant something to you within.

As for now, till we meet again; Farewell my Friends, and take care.

May God Bless you.

Mun Loon


munloon@ hotmail.com

Monday, January 10, 2005

My Esppit Tee-Shirt, Your Luis Vetton Handbag

(DISCLAIMER: This entry is solely based on the frustrations of the writer. It bears every relations to some other works by other authors, copycats and imitations. If you feel offended by it, I strongly suggest you reflect on what you have been doing; and check the dates of my earlier entries. I make no apologies for whatever I have to say. BE FOREWARNED: This entry is not meant for the weak-hearted, the pregnant, and the petty. I will bear no responsibility for any way your health or pride had been punctured by reading on.)

The world would have been a better place if we knew how to honour each other's works and originality. The literary world would have been a more refined place if education met its purpose in the lives of people today.

What's up with 'Disclaimers' on blogs these days? What's the purpose of informing the world that it is your own reflections and thoughts and tell the world it meant no harm when you were clearly writing your life's sad story on it?

Do we really need disclaimers so cover ourselves so that we can bitch all we want, and inform the world that it is, 'well, I already said it was MY opinion, and if you are offended, too bad?!

What are you exactly trying to prove?

Nope, I am not saying that disclaimers are solely for my usage, but why do I read disclaimers that are so similar to mine? I even see in 'challenge-to-action' statements that are exactly like mine.

No better style to write with? That you fella have to use daily metaphorical examples to prove your point too? Nope, not that this style and method solely belongs to me, but then again, why is there such stark similarities?

Oh well, one of the reasons why I enjoy walking through flea markets is because they offer a wide variety of imitation clothes. Those who are so real you can barely tell them apart from the original; and those who's imitations are so poor, even the spelling of the brand is humourous.

But why do people actually want to make imitations? One conclusion and probably the only today is that established brands, methods, creative ideas, and alternative expressions sell. The key word is 'established' and 'ideas'. People like the novelty of reading and having things that are different and rare.

So obviously, if the inventor does not patent his stuff, he gets copied. But my question to you is, are you as good or better than the original creator? Do you value-create for him/her, or do you simply dilute the originality with sub-standard creations of your own?

Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms about this disclaimer thing, nor the metaphorical expressions, nor the 'challenge-to-action' writings, it does not belong to me.

What I really hate is how you do not use it with care, with intention or purpose; but just because its cool, its different and you think its makes you one up because you are now sophisticatedly expressing yourself.

Get a life, please.

Write for all you want, but I could only conclude with total agreement that imitation is probably the greatest compliment. May I thank you (all), how have tried so hard, for your compliments.
For your cheap thrill.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Men are from Hell, and Women Unknown

(DISCLAIMER: This entry is solely based on the imagination, thoughts and reflection of the writer. It bears no relations, to any other works by other authors, male chauvinist pigs or their support group, woman rights' groups, civil rights' groups, religious groups, fathers' groups, mothers' groups, graduate women's groups, et cetera*. )

Lets' face it! We live in a world that is so powered by knowledge we have the demand of equal rights' and opportunities by our womenfolk. And as men, we know we cannot deny them further of this right, however wronged we feel.

Allow me to start with our womenfolk... (afterall, its always the traditional me, and ladies' first was what I was taught!)

Please raise your hands if you have not gone through education and reading this; oh, no one? Education has become an essential in each of our lives, most who aren't working, would be in a cycle of learning something in a structured and safe environment of their ivory towers in school.

Yet, it is the same education that has caused so much confusion in gender roles (and probably differences/ orientation?!). Like how I've said many times to many around me, 'Be a woman in the 21st Century is not easy'.

Of course it is not easy. After putting a girl in most developed country through school for some almost twenty years of her life getting a Degree to be prepared for her contribution to the economy/ work force. You are surely not expecting her to stay at home and take care of the have kids, take care of them, do the mopping, laundry, cooking, make babies, have more kids...

Yet, it is still an expected role and function of her from not just her '21st Century' husband, but also her in-laws (while they still are, before becoming out-laws eventually).

There will be very few ladies these days that will be willing to give up their careers for their family; c'mon, if she wanted to be a homemaker (politically correct!) ; she wouldn't have gone through the Rat Race of the education system, sucked into it and then stay at home after struggling so much.

She has to now balance the empowerment of knowledge (through education) that 'liberates' her to contribute to society in terms of employment and work, and her role as a good wife!

She will demand equal rights as her husband; that he has to do household chores too, or at least, together with her. She will not be able to cook much anymore, because they know that most chefs are men.

She will want a level platform to stand with her husband, higher why not, because there is meritocracy!

Half a chance, she'd think she's as powerful as her husband, or even more; not leaving any place for grace to come in, for the masculine role to rise and lead. Well, I doubt some of them ever thought it existed anymore.

Question: Then why are you always looking for some knight in shining armour? You probably need a henpeck with a shining (receding) forehead.

Men. Honestly, we don't know much (better) either.

Please raise your hand if you have thought each time a woman repeats herself, that she is nagging! Oh, everyone?! Drats, why did I ask in the first place.

Get over it guys, we need to be told what to do all the time because we have become lost in our identity and roles too. Education. We are so caught up with racing in our rat race of the system we forget we have to rise up and take charge of our lives and families too.

We are, of course, taught equal rights' and opportunities; and we actually subscribe to it. We have forgotten the fact that ladies would not be screaming for equal rights' if we had actually treated them with respect!

Why would they want to be simply equal to us, if we gave them the privilege of RESPECT and HONOUR? Won't equal rights' be a mere lack of ambition?

We are stuck-in-the-mud with thoughts that are clouded with chauvinism and ego, having problems letting a lady wearing pants in the office telling us what to do. We do have a problem accepting changes of the role of women today.

The role of the hardy woman has gone far beyond child-bearing, child-rearing, home-making, husband-serving. She is now empowered with knowledge to be a greater contribution to the knowledged-based economy. May I also add, plus the 'child-bearing, child-rearing, home-making, husband-serving'.

We still expect them to everything, but they (the women) are the ones who'd be expecting!

And we are soooooo tired from work are expanded even before a simple word of gratitude was expressed.

Sometimes I quite can't explain why some women worry about not getting married, considering the 'demotion' from being the Ruler of her life, to the queen of her husband's kingdom, to the expansion of her Job Description.

Trust me, women won't demand further for whatever rights' once we (MEN) make right the wrongs done towards them.

If only men could see beyond the loss of 'pride/ego/stature' and appreciate women, as the upholding gender of the human race. Treating them with respect for their contributions to keep the home in place, honouring them for their contributions to the economic world. There won't even be a need for what Woman's Rights'.

That would have been taken care of by us; MEN.

Question: Now we quite know why the ad goes.. 'And the men don't get it..'? We probably don't!

Well, like I said, Men will indeed be from hell if we don't do anything about it, but I have no idea where women are from. Smallville?

* the list is not exhaustive, if I missed you, honestly, I'm not really all too apologetic!

Thursday, December 23, 2004


You must have been wondering where I have been, so here's a short update on my life, and what I have been busy with.

Work. It has been sapping the life out of my that when I get home, I am next to being dead. Yet I enjoy work, I believe in what I do, so that's great help. It is just very hard to write when I get home from work then.

Christmas cards. I have been writing cards like there isn't a tomorrow. Then again, there might never be a tomorrow, so why wait if I could share the joy and care while I can still breathe?

If you didn't get my card, you need to give me your address!

Drama. I have been involved in a production to be staged on Christmas. Nope, its not about Christmas, but instead about life, gambling, betting, sexual confusion, loneliness, vulnerability of life.

You could catch me in action on Christmas Eve in Victory Family Centre, at 7pm. Drop me a mail or call if you are interested. Admission is Free.

The free shuttle service would pick you up at 6.30 pm or 6.45 pm. All you have to do is to clap loudly when its over.

Wow, that was free ad space. Anyhow, January would be a better month with alot to look forward to.

May I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.


Saturday, November 27, 2004

I read a very beautiful sentence sent by a girl who's boyfriend is extremely busy, went along these few lines which I felt was so beautiful, I decided to share it here.

She went, in a couple of words changed..

"Nope.. I don't have (a feeling of neglect). I just have to make sure I actively participate in your life's happenings.. And I won't be neglected. Cuz I know you need me to support."

- Rah.
I felt that summed up what being in someone's life is all about. Proactivity and roles.

Friday, October 29, 2004

'Chewing Gum was banned because of people like YOU..'

(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imagination, thoughts and reflection of the writer. It bears no relations, to the government of Singapore, the activists lobbying for a more democratic Singapore by undoing the bad, or any chewing gum company mourning the potential loss of income from a 4 million people population.)

Chewing Gum was once a sticky point of an international outcry when the retired Prime Minister made comment on it about having spots of chewed rubber all over the pavements, the walls and between the subway doors. Naturally, the next response was to totally eradicate the potential problem from the surface on Singapore. That is, to ban all gum, of all sorts.

Needless to say, that resulted in an immediate scream and shouts at how a Nanny State Singapore is. A country of controlled everything, from media to now, even Gum; the blasting of the loss of freedom to chew the simple gum our memories fade each time after we throw the gum faded of its flavour on the floor, the wall, or anywhere else mischief could bring us.

Lets' face the fact of the matter. Admittingly we, as a society, have no patience to keep the wrapper of which our gum came from; much less to say, wait for the next dustbin to kindly discard it. Face it, all we needed to do to show the government that we were able to manage the sticky issue of chewing a simple gum was how we could manage social responsiblity. Then, of course, each opportunity we had to show the issue of social responsibility, we blew it.

Remember SARS?

Anyhow, after a couple of months of tolerating some coward constantly vandalizing my tagboard with embarrassing vulgarities, from using my friends' nicks, to scolding my mother (poor her!); I have decided that society is not ready for such freedom of speech because it infrindges into my personal space, and much so, the coward's freedom has bound me to much embarrassment.

His/her/it's (I think its more a 'it' because it resembles animals in its exhibition of behaviour in a civilized society!) inability to manage the freedom accorded to it, results in everyone having to suffer.

Just like chewing gum; some losers cannot control themselves, the entire nation suffers to prevent the vandals from messing up our world class transport system, the Esplanade, the Suntec City and what have we.

Likewise, I am not going to let some coward who cannot leave a contact, a name, or an email address behind ruin all that I have put through on Mundayblues because of a personal vendetta that cannot be addressed solely to me via a personal e-mail (which is always found on my blog) or even talking to me to thrash it out.

What cowardice to hide behind some ditigal codes of the internet to strike vengence because you cannot attain it speaking to me?! What differs you from a terrorist who strikes those who have freedom and liberty, just because they don't have!

Like how the government made a good and swift decision on banning the chewing gum to protect not just the public property, but also those who wants a socially responsible nation. I have decided, to remove my tagboard.

With alot of regret, because each time, like the enjoyment of chewing a simple gum, I derive from reading tags from friends; now they can't, and they can't leave encouragements, comments, or drop a simple 'hello'.

To that coward, you lost! You lost because you have shown your cowardice through means like this. You lost because I have the last say to allowing you to post your rubbish on my site or not. I won, because I removed that means of outlet for you.

The Ban on Chewing Gum must stay, until and unless a country matures to become not an individual's nation, but a Singaporean's Nation, a Socially Responsible State.

Indeed, 'Chewing Gum was banned because of people like YOU..'

(P.S.: You can still send me your nice comments and feedback to my email addresses, or drop me a msg on msn, friendster and whatever alternative means that are made available to us. Now you know why Mentos is a hit in Singapore?!)

Friday, August 27, 2004

My Dreamcatcher

(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imaginations, thoughts and reflections of the writer. It bears no relations, or is nor an advertisement campaign by the Native Indians from America, the Hollywood or some folktale somewhere.)

The Native Americans (the politically correct term for "Red Indians", like 'Oriental' is for 'Asians', and whatever have us!) have long believed that dreamcatchers serve a purpose in the nightly slumber. Dreamcatchers are hung above their beds near where the head rest, and it is believed that bad deams are caught in it, so it does not reach the resting person; but would allow good dreams to pass, and make the sleep a sweeter one.

Powerful huh?

I remember once, some time back, when I was still in secondary school, my teacher asked the class what we would want to be when we grew up. We all had big dreams in our lives then, as usual, there would the a share of lawyers, doctors and engineers. There would also be some that would want to be pilots, sailors and soldiers. And what we had to do was to put a picture of what we wanted to be in a frame on our desk.

Funny things we did.

Rarely would you get some that would have chosen the route of a teacher, social worker, or nurse. I remember a classic incident where I had a friend who wanted to be a taxi driver. This friend of mine, was particularly lazy, and was too lazy to find a nice picture of what he wanted to be; so conveniently, the taxi driver's picture was somewhere within reach, thus pasted.

It was that very day I realised how dreams have to be engineered for the acceptance of society as one that is successful. The result of the picture of the taxi driver rings in my mind today and each passing day creates a deeper resolve to allow the young today, to realise their dreams.

If my classmate really wanted to be a taxi driver, I see no fault in it. There are many children in Singapore who's rice on their dining table is brought home by a taxi driver father. There are many university graduates who's tuition was paid for with a taxi driver's pay.

It only saddened me that we have reached a point where dreams can never be realised if our mindsets are not broken, to realise that if anyone dreams of being a taxi driver, let him be, but encourage him to be the best taxi driver in town.

You never know, he may know the road systems so well that transport ministry may hire him!

If someone's dreams were to be a toilet cleaner, give him or her a chance to be the best toilet cleaner in Singapore; Even the Environment Minister visits toilets as part of his job, to see if it is clean or not!

What is my point? Simple, let us live our dreams the way we dreamt it to. Its not about being lazy to dream, but being hardworking at fulfilling our craziest dreams. It is encouraging us to live our dreams, and being the best at it, that matters. It is sharing with us how to live life to the fullest.

Be my dreamcatcher today, distinguish between my good dream and a bad. Recognise me for my dreams, and push me to fulfil them, with the very best I can muster. The very least you could do, don't dream dreams for me.