Friday, October 29, 2004

'Chewing Gum was banned because of people like YOU..'

(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imagination, thoughts and reflection of the writer. It bears no relations, to the government of Singapore, the activists lobbying for a more democratic Singapore by undoing the bad, or any chewing gum company mourning the potential loss of income from a 4 million people population.)

Chewing Gum was once a sticky point of an international outcry when the retired Prime Minister made comment on it about having spots of chewed rubber all over the pavements, the walls and between the subway doors. Naturally, the next response was to totally eradicate the potential problem from the surface on Singapore. That is, to ban all gum, of all sorts.

Needless to say, that resulted in an immediate scream and shouts at how a Nanny State Singapore is. A country of controlled everything, from media to now, even Gum; the blasting of the loss of freedom to chew the simple gum our memories fade each time after we throw the gum faded of its flavour on the floor, the wall, or anywhere else mischief could bring us.

Lets' face the fact of the matter. Admittingly we, as a society, have no patience to keep the wrapper of which our gum came from; much less to say, wait for the next dustbin to kindly discard it. Face it, all we needed to do to show the government that we were able to manage the sticky issue of chewing a simple gum was how we could manage social responsiblity. Then, of course, each opportunity we had to show the issue of social responsibility, we blew it.

Remember SARS?

Anyhow, after a couple of months of tolerating some coward constantly vandalizing my tagboard with embarrassing vulgarities, from using my friends' nicks, to scolding my mother (poor her!); I have decided that society is not ready for such freedom of speech because it infrindges into my personal space, and much so, the coward's freedom has bound me to much embarrassment.

His/her/it's (I think its more a 'it' because it resembles animals in its exhibition of behaviour in a civilized society!) inability to manage the freedom accorded to it, results in everyone having to suffer.

Just like chewing gum; some losers cannot control themselves, the entire nation suffers to prevent the vandals from messing up our world class transport system, the Esplanade, the Suntec City and what have we.

Likewise, I am not going to let some coward who cannot leave a contact, a name, or an email address behind ruin all that I have put through on Mundayblues because of a personal vendetta that cannot be addressed solely to me via a personal e-mail (which is always found on my blog) or even talking to me to thrash it out.

What cowardice to hide behind some ditigal codes of the internet to strike vengence because you cannot attain it speaking to me?! What differs you from a terrorist who strikes those who have freedom and liberty, just because they don't have!

Like how the government made a good and swift decision on banning the chewing gum to protect not just the public property, but also those who wants a socially responsible nation. I have decided, to remove my tagboard.

With alot of regret, because each time, like the enjoyment of chewing a simple gum, I derive from reading tags from friends; now they can't, and they can't leave encouragements, comments, or drop a simple 'hello'.

To that coward, you lost! You lost because you have shown your cowardice through means like this. You lost because I have the last say to allowing you to post your rubbish on my site or not. I won, because I removed that means of outlet for you.

The Ban on Chewing Gum must stay, until and unless a country matures to become not an individual's nation, but a Singaporean's Nation, a Socially Responsible State.

Indeed, 'Chewing Gum was banned because of people like YOU..'

(P.S.: You can still send me your nice comments and feedback to my email addresses, or drop me a msg on msn, friendster and whatever alternative means that are made available to us. Now you know why Mentos is a hit in Singapore?!)


Blogger Linda NJ said...

Someone sounds pretty pissed off aye?

Hahah.. Welcome to the my world, dude.

November 1, 2004 at 7:42 AM  
Blogger Belle Charlene said...

No matter what stupid things stupid people say about you, remember that there are still so many people out there who loves not only MundayBlues, but Mun as well. I miss your tagboard, but I guess some things just have to be done. -hugs-

November 2, 2004 at 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....

December 3, 2006 at 6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton

December 4, 2006 at 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like to have a brief chat before engaging in any kind of “face to face” relations? Welcome to site
- 3
spaghetti alla carbonara

December 29, 2006 at 5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleasse Do not delete this urls , i need money for my child

January 12, 2007 at 6:19 PM  

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