Sunday, June 08, 2003

Social Responsibility
(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imagination, thoughts and reflection of the writer. It bears no relations, (or) is nor an advertisement campaign by any Agencies, or any Organizations, or any of the affiliates of the Godfather.)

Singapore has never seen such a time where majority of the people seem to be working towards Social Responsibility. In my entire life, this is the first time I hear people actually talk about it, swear by it, and honor it.

S.A.R.S. (Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome, and do not think otherwise!), looks to have brought out a different side of people. Words and socially responsible behaviors can be seen in a country where material gains and personal interest comes first. Are we sure we are socially responsible, or are we, yet again, abusing such a meaningful and powerful word.

See, I have great problems with the term 'Social Responsibility'. (And many reading would be wondering what do I not have a problem with, right?!) The thing is this, the term, 'Social Responsibility' has become a tool for us to hold against another.

Either that, or we're totally new to the term.

I hear people talk about it. They tell me what I have to do to be socially responsible, so that he/her life is not going to be endangered. Hey! So its for a selfish reason that we are now more conscious about our social responsibility, and not for the common goal of making our society a better place for other's who shares it with us. Wah, what a mockery to the word, Social.

I feel for social workers through this episode of advocacy of Social Responsibility. Social Workers seek in their professional endeavor to make the society a better place. Somehow, I feel its undermining such a noble cause with everyone interpreting it differently, for a personal cause and reason.

So, is social responsibility for a personal agenda of our own safety, or is it for a better and more caring nation?


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