Sunday, June 01, 2003


That was where my machine went over the weekend. My computer was away from me, and I couldn't blog.

I was disabled..when wasn't I anyway? (I am the lamest, isn't it..)

Oh well. My computer went under the knife to be debugged and de-cookied. It was a very tiring process trying to get everything back into it again. All my files and programs had to be located and carefully re-installed. I can't lose a single document. All my papers are in there. Too costly.

What a weekend, the entire Sunday noon devoted to looking thro it, and stressing myself over making sure that the system is 100% running for more blogs and entries, and of course, reading your mails, and your blogs.. etc etc..

Ok. Enough of my blabber.. I'd be back with more stuff here in time to come.

I need some rest. (Usual excuse for a lousy entry...)

Cheerios mates,


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