Community Services Management
Everytime someone asks me what do I major in, I answer with a slight hesitation, 'Community Services Management'. Well, other than it being a mouthful to pronounce, like a tongue twister; I get alot of questions following it.
My usual questions would be like (my answers never came out this way..):
- "So, what do you do?" .. Study, of course!
- "Orh..volunteer work huh?"..You wanna feed my kids next time? I'd go 100% volunteer based and driven!
- "You mean, there's such a course?".. Do I sound like I am pulling a fast one on you?
Enough of the Evil me talking. There is really such a major. It is a social services course whereby I get to work with different people with different needs. Community Services, these 2 words sums it all.
The next part of the conversation would be about all the meaningful the things I do, or how they wished they could be involved in it. They would tell me how kind-hearted I am with it. How much they feel I am couragous about how things are going, the compassion and the list goes on.
Community Service is way beyond the things we do for these disadvantaged folks. Its beyond the things we give them, or the number times we went to visit them, or to clean their houses, change their sheets or even buying them something they need. We've been far too engross with the hardware of life we seem to have forgotten that these gestures of meeting-needs isn't just meeting-needs. Its far more and significant than that.
I would never want to forget that through all these meeting of needs, we have the duty to relate, reinstate and re-enforce the basic fact that we're doing all these in love, not recognition, or a National Day Award. It is not about what we can bring, but what we come with.
Undeniably, passion is important to us in this service sector, rationale is equally important. Love can't make you full, food can. But I seek to give what makes you happiest, in the long run, as a long-term investment.
It is not about the doing, its about the being.
e'diot Proofing - The Final Chapter, the Last Entry's Published. Farewell!
Welcome. I'm a simple guy with simple dreams. In my simplicity, my works are created. And in my simplicity, don't take from me, what isn't your's. Ask, a simple mind (usually) obliges.
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