Saturday, July 05, 2003

Dear Blog (my silent listener),

I'm depressed. I feel such a sense of void. A null feeling whereby I seem to have lost myself in my thoughts, actions. Things I did, and things I didn't do.

I'm Mun Loon. I'm slow at alot of things. I don't know..but one thing for sure is that I'm learning to be slow to speak, especially at sensitive and serious stuff. Reason's to ensure I am sure I do not say things I do not mean. I'm a firm believer in causal and effectual phenomenons. Nothing really happens by coincidence (I am not eliminating coincidence as an element that brings surprises to us).

So, I get misunderstood because I am too slow. I miss the crucial moments cause I somehow am too slow. And of course, huge and undesirable misunderstandings happen.

And the words exchanged becomes lethal, deadly and very hurting. I get hurt too you know? I try my best to keep my mind and heart in tact, so that I do not hurt accidentally too. When my shield is continuously struck, time and again by curt remarks, and painful words, the heart would eventually have to take the shots. I think I might have a big heart. More surface area to hit.. its a sure hit, even if you can't aim.

Behind every face lies a story; every heart lies has its sadness. A smile or that loving tenderness.

Isn't it amazing that I can feel this way too? Well, perhaps, its simply a good reminder that, I'm human too.

Love with tears,


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