Sunday, August 17, 2003

Return of the....

I had no idea what happened over those few days of which my blog wasn't working. I really don't know. Now you know why my blog's called idiot proofing.

I feel bad. I haven't been writing anything read worthy on my blog for a long time. I haven't been very very busy that I don't write. I have so much on my mind that I wish I had the energy to put up on my blog. To share with you all, especially the faithful ones who return day after day, only to be disappointed that nothing new has been added.

I have really got so much to write. Somehow, I'm wondering if my writing has become seasonal. I need holidays to write, or perhaps holidays with rainy days to think about what to write.

School? How's school? I have tonnes of stuff to share about school. And not all are bad stuff I go through in school. At the end of the day, however bad things can get, its up to me to make the most of. And learn.

Mun, be teachable!

I think I would set aside one day every week to blog. Put in my entries and my thoughts. Would that be good?

Well, my thoughts for today;

"(at the) End of the day, its not what I have that matters, (but) its what I give."



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