Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Sentimental Fool

I just got a new phone. (ok, gawk! cry foul! complain its the how-many'th, how-many'th!) In the process of getting the new, I traded in the old. I gave in my old phone, gave them my money; left with a new phone, and of course, no money.

Oh well, you must be wondering what is the big deal and woo-ha about my new phone? Nah, nothing actually. What was actually given my focus on, was my old cell phone.

It was a sad moment having to place it on the counter top, stripped of its casing, and removed of its batteries. I mean this phone has seen my glorious days of sending 1500 sms in one month, living thro drops from 1.6m high, after smashing against the fridge. It has scared enough of my lecturers as I can drop my phone while chatting with them, disintergrates, and I'd fix it up again. Yes, it still works.

I felt a sense of loss, with it being masqueraded by my overwhelming joy of the new phone.

That phone was my first Nokia. A simple phone that I've never much praised or mentioned other than it being very hardy, surviving the abuse I place it under. That was the very phone I yakked over for hours, smsed like crazy and dropped in the most public places, hearing people's shocked expressions.

That was the phone that I would never leave home without.

I was sad that I had to leave it on the table. No, its not a top range, high-end Nokia phone. No, I didn't actually have to pay a single cent for it. But it when thro my darkest days, my worst lamentations. Of course with those days, there were the better ones too. It had stayed up with me while I worked on the hardest assignment. Woke me up when I had exams to sit for, or classes to attend.

I now can only sit down, look back and remember the days I spent with my old phone. How badly abused it was, yet it still faithfully remain committed to his task of ensuring that I was reachable to the rest of the world.

The funny thing while thinking through all these is that my phone isn't even living. It doesn't have a soul, a mind, or a heart. Yet it can be remembered with such fondness and spoken about too. Isn't it true that some of us actually value the things we possess more than the people we actually relate with?

Oh well, for me, the sentimetal value of that phone was greater than what was offset from the new phone's invoice. Deep within me, I would proudly continue telling the world how bravely my phone stood to its task, remaining faithful to the very end, when it was traded in for something else.


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