Been a long time since I blogged. I'm so sorry, was away for a camp over the past few days. Was alot to prepare. I'd be continuing the writings soon.
Cheers and thanks for visiting.
e'diot Proofing - The Final Chapter, the Last Entry's Published. Farewell!
Welcome. I'm a simple guy with simple dreams. In my simplicity, my works are created. And in my simplicity, don't take from me, what isn't your's. Ask, a simple mind (usually) obliges.
Friday, June 27, 2003
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Finger Nails
Idle as I am, I was sitting on my desk the other day, looking at my fingernails. Well, either I am very vain, or really bored, or both. Oh well, I realised that I have nice nails. (Ok, go ahead, smack your head. *grinz*)
Well, while I was at my fingernails (no, not manicure..just the looking), it hit me that there are many things that insignificant looking nails, plays many different and important roles in our lives.
Let me bring you thro' a list of things we can't do without our fingernails, other than no manicure (or French Manicure for those fanatics..).
Without your nails,
- try scratching with total satisfaction?
- (this is a lil gross..) try picking your nose?
- do you think you can open a milo tin with ease?
- try peeling off the price tag?
The list goes on.
Each time I look at fingernails, I remember how we take things for granted just because we always had it with us. To some of us, we even grumble that we have to cut our nails every week or so.
That is how most of our lives are. We take many things for granted. Somehow, when something or someone has been with us long enough, we forget the perks we get from that very thing or person, but remember the (any and every) inconvenience only.
And we take the simplest act of kindness, goodness and love for granted too.
Then again, as we do this onto other, it comes back on us. When I feel that I-am-only-good-when-needed, I'd try my best to make sure another doesn't feel and say that too.
Afterall, whatever goes around, comes around.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
One week
I disappeared from my blog for one week. One good, long week. It somehow passed without me realising what had happened.
I've been having so much on my mind, that I didn't know where to start from. I had to formulate my thoughts well, and write it for you. I was too tired during the week. Had a supp Paper to sit for, 'cause amist my not-too-bad results, stood a bad grade for, yet again, my Accounting module.
It was a long but very fun week too. I had my time, and a great time going out with my mate, good time spent.
Blogging requires alot of reflective analysis of whatever happens around me. I can't write this way often, as this entry. Its more than blabbering whatever goes thro my mind. Its about carefully putting words into place, ensuring that I do not mention names, sound political, or insensitive to certain current issues which may be of a raw nerve to many, incl. the Govt.
But I love it.
To add on to the hectic week was a casual thought about publishing. In the many considerations. Had one of them being NOT able to blog anymore. Now, what do you think about that?
I still have a lot up my mind, just not penned. I would take some time to slowly pen them. (Yes, many of you would still remind me that this is my blog, that I can do whatever I wish you, but I want to assure you that all who reads my blog, matters to me! And as my stakeholder here, your say matters.)
The need to feel blue, where I go into my time of reflections, would churn out stuff where I can draw from to write. There must be a moment for it. Having a busy and tiring week, even in my dreams, didn't have the opportunity to get that.
I would be trying my best to make up for the lost week. May my sincerity and best shot make up for any mediocre (felt like typing mediacorps, juz remembered, no names allowed!) entries.
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Social Responsibility
(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imagination, thoughts and reflection of the writer. It bears no relations, (or) is nor an advertisement campaign by any Agencies, or any Organizations, or any of the affiliates of the Godfather.)
Singapore has never seen such a time where majority of the people seem to be working towards Social Responsibility. In my entire life, this is the first time I hear people actually talk about it, swear by it, and honor it.
S.A.R.S. (Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome, and do not think otherwise!), looks to have brought out a different side of people. Words and socially responsible behaviors can be seen in a country where material gains and personal interest comes first. Are we sure we are socially responsible, or are we, yet again, abusing such a meaningful and powerful word.
See, I have great problems with the term 'Social Responsibility'. (And many reading would be wondering what do I not have a problem with, right?!) The thing is this, the term, 'Social Responsibility' has become a tool for us to hold against another.
Either that, or we're totally new to the term.
I hear people talk about it. They tell me what I have to do to be socially responsible, so that he/her life is not going to be endangered. Hey! So its for a selfish reason that we are now more conscious about our social responsibility, and not for the common goal of making our society a better place for other's who shares it with us. Wah, what a mockery to the word, Social.
I feel for social workers through this episode of advocacy of Social Responsibility. Social Workers seek in their professional endeavor to make the society a better place. Somehow, I feel its undermining such a noble cause with everyone interpreting it differently, for a personal cause and reason.
So, is social responsibility for a personal agenda of our own safety, or is it for a better and more caring nation?
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
My dry season. May I dig out some old stuff to post. So that you are kept occupied while I recuperate. Your visits are imporant to me.
This was something written some many years back. Savor...
To thee my Love, shall I pledge...
Over the Mountains,
Under the Sea,
To thee my love,
I shall pledge.
Circumstances we have shared,
Arguments we have had,
But the love for thee I shall bear,
Shall be like the Ocean air,
Never ending, not a fare.
Never would I leave thee,
Never would I bear forsaken thee.
The more shall I love you,
The more shall I have,
For both may just be infinite.
You hold that treasured place
within my heart,
And that shall never part.
I place thee deep within my heart,
For without thee I dare not feel.
You hold that special place of love,
That no one else can fill.
To thee my love, shall I pledge.....
Mun Looncolor:navy">
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“If there only has been someone there in the beginning who had gone through the same experience, who could have given us hope...”
Sue Scott & Phyllis Doyle
Parent to Parent Support (1976)
Monday, June 02, 2003
Sunday, June 01, 2003
That was where my machine went over the weekend. My computer was away from me, and I couldn't blog.
I was disabled..when wasn't I anyway? (I am the lamest, isn't it..)
Oh well. My computer went under the knife to be debugged and de-cookied. It was a very tiring process trying to get everything back into it again. All my files and programs had to be located and carefully re-installed. I can't lose a single document. All my papers are in there. Too costly.
What a weekend, the entire Sunday noon devoted to looking thro it, and stressing myself over making sure that the system is 100% running for more blogs and entries, and of course, reading your mails, and your blogs.. etc etc..
Ok. Enough of my blabber.. I'd be back with more stuff here in time to come.
I need some rest. (Usual excuse for a lousy entry...)
Cheerios mates,